What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural trance like state. All of us have experienced this state at times in our life. Maybe you daydream, or get so lost in a book or movie that you laugh, cry or even become fearful. Sometimes when you drive you miss your exit or arrive at your destination with no memory of the trip and how you arrived there. Hypnosis is that moment between waking and sleep. First thing in the morning and right before falling asleep at night, as thoughts and pictures pass through your mind. Around the age of 8, our critical mind forms. This is the part of your mind that sorts and filters. Letting in what it deems important and throws out the rest, all to often distorting information. Imagine that our conscious mind is like a cup, and once it is full, it will begin to overflow. This is called overload. When you become overloaded, you enter into fight/flight mechanism and escape into an open state of trance or hypnosis, allowing access to the subconscious mind. Your suggestibility heightens and increases. Your mind opens, as it becomes easy to by-pass the critical thinking. You can close your eyes and like a child does, become enveloped in an experience and allow the most creative part of yourself to be guided into the state of hypnosis where anything is possible.